Day 2: Who is God to You?
My oldest, Shea (8), was reflecting on her Ash Wednesday as I drove her from school, yesterday. She noted that we had to make sacrifices like not eating meat this day, and on Fridays, because if we do this, God will reward us.
I wasn’t expecting to offer any fatherly wisdom that afternoon, but the moment presented itself and I helped Shea see that God is so much more than what we tend to make God to be.
I get it…the reward-and-punishment approach makes sense for her age, as that is where 3rd graders are on in their spiritual and moral development journey.
However, I wondered later that evening how many adults may be stuck here, too.
· How often do we fear God’s punishment for what we did or did not do?
· How often do we anticipate/expect God’s favor if we say our prayers, go to Mass, care for our family and friends?
Might we shift our vision of God to being much more than our mind can imagine.
Despite the best intentions from our teachers and spiritual leaders, sometimes God is made to fit a certain image or persona- often satisfying our own EGO or perspective.
What if Lent is not about checking the boxes but deepening our relationship with our Creator.
· Can you stop approaching this Lenten journey as staying in God’s good graces for a TBD ticket to Heaven?
· Can you see Lent for what it truly is- an invitation to an encounter with a God that you cannot even come close to appreciating- at least not in this life?
Henri Nouwen writes this as his prayer, and may it also be ours: “O Lord, make this Lenten season different from the other ones. Let me find you again. Amen.”