Day 3: Transformation

 It is imperative that you remember that it is out of God’s love that you were born into being. You are God’s beloved, despite and because of your imperfections.

When I look at my girls, I find a glimpse of this divine love. I look at them and I know that there is nothing they can do to escape my love. I yearn that they always know how much I love them- without condition.

This fatherly (and motherly) love comes from God. This is what God wants from us as God’s children- to know and accept God’s love.

This is what Lent is about.

What you sacrifice, how often you pray, what you donate, all lead to the cross in Calvary. You will again meet the love of God in the crucified Jesus, who then reveals the power of love in his Resurrection.

And from this, you too will be transformed.

·      You will desire to help strangers as you already help neighbors.

·      You will be unnerved by the sufferings of others, even those you once despised, ignored, and feared.

·      You will lead with empathy and give grace where you once judged and lacked sympathy.

·      You will find God’s love in all of creation and feel responsible for its life and future.

Finally, you will understand that God is more than a vindictive judge in the sky, but the source of love that is more than your mind can imagine yet remains the deepest yearning of your heart.



Day 4: The Way


Day 2: Who is God to You?