Day 5: Temptation

In today’s Gospel, Jesus faces temptation in the desert before he begins his earthly ministry.

Jesus is tempted to satisfy his hunger for food, for recognition of his identity, and for recognition of his power.

It is a wonderful psychological reflection for us all- discerning how we are tempted by the various forms of hunger we face daily.

How often do we compare ourselves to others, seek appreciation and power, and desire to have our many “hungers” satisfied?

The task before us it to discern if the hunger brings us closer to God or moves us further away.

As dads, as men, society sends us messages of how to look, how much to own, and how to claim power at work, in our homes, and in our communities.

Jesus points us toward something not of this world, but beyond. He points us to God.

Once we can surrender, by first, accepting we are God’s beloved, and then, second, seeking to be God’s instrument of peace, we can find all our desires met in who and what matters most.


Day 4: The Way